Hey, I am blessed to share camera with my kids who are more fond of it, and as a canvas artist I can now explore my art through lens this time.
As I continue to learn I am happy to share them with you. Most of the photos here are very meaningful to me, but some are nothing special except that I found beauty in them. Nonetheless I hope you will enjoy viewing everything because they are all taken with a heart.
-Ernie Catanghal

Tip: To view all the photos in each batch better just click on the first image and use the left and right cursor keys on your keyboard.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Batch 38: TODOS LOS SANTOS 2012

Some random shooting around during one of the most observed colorful Filipino traditions. Only wondering on the irony of this, it is suppose to be for the saints but why evil creatures takes the center stage? So in this blog I definitely did not included any.

Observe nothing but God's law and grace. Believe me it's the right thing to do.

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