Hey, I am blessed to share camera with my kids who are more fond of it, and as a canvas artist I can now explore my art through lens this time.
As I continue to learn I am happy to share them with you. Most of the photos here are very meaningful to me, but some are nothing special except that I found beauty in them. Nonetheless I hope you will enjoy viewing everything because they are all taken with a heart.
-Ernie Catanghal

Tip: To view all the photos in each batch better just click on the first image and use the left and right cursor keys on your keyboard.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Batch 18

Pic 18-01

Pic 18-02

Pic 18-03

Pic 18-04

Pic 18-05

Pic 18-06

Pic 18-07

Pic 18-08

Pic 18-09

Pic 18-10

Pic 18-11

Pic 18-12

Proceed to: BATCH 19
Back to: BATCH 17

1 comment:

  1. Just making the most of my available tools on rainy days like this. Discovering and magnifying the small beauties I used not to take notice of while I reminisce with my bike touring days.
