Hey, I am blessed to share camera with my kids who are more fond of it, and as a canvas artist I can now explore my art through lens this time.
As I continue to learn I am happy to share them with you. Most of the photos here are very meaningful to me, but some are nothing special except that I found beauty in them. Nonetheless I hope you will enjoy viewing everything because they are all taken with a heart.
-Ernie Catanghal

Tip: To view all the photos in each batch better just click on the first image and use the left and right cursor keys on your keyboard.

Friday, August 10, 2012

Batch 32: The Eyes Of Truth

These photos belongs to the Iraya Mangyan Tribe of Occidental Mindoro, Philippines. They are the people I am helping since 1999. THEY NEED HELP. If you feel the desire to reach out to them you can share your blessings. Our mission organization accepts donations. You can find more information in our facebook account DROPS OF FAITH CHRISTIAN MISSIONS or send me a message through my email address edvcat@yahoo.com or leave a comment below. Thank you very much.
-Ernie Catanghal

On top of Mt. Calavite where the Agdilao Tribe are settling. 

Laura with child Awi, both sick and helpless.

Joan, she was dying to go to school.

Minel and Lisa, our Mangyan scholars.

Bikoy used to be our student in town, but now he left to work in the rice fields.

Some of the Iraya-Mangyan kids.

Ugoy sa duyan (rock-a-by-baby).

Patay na kuwago (Dead owl).

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